Send us your photos

This photo frame, shown on the home page, is supposed to change throughout the year. On each day there are four photos on display, and each day a new image is added while another is taken away. The series is intended to follow the four seasons but we need your images of the neighborhoods so please, send us your images now...

Use this form to get in touch and simultaneously send photos to us. Our thanks in advance...

    Your Name *

    Your Email *

    Short description of the photo(s)

    Please enter any general message you would like to send with your photos.

    Please describe your photo(s) in the field after each file selection button:
    Indicate approximately when and where the image was taken and include any photo specific notes.

    Note: The maximum single file size is 6MB and the maximum total message size is 25MB.
    If you have larger or many files, please use this form to send a message and we will get in contact to arrange an alternative delivery method.


    Please enter captcha in the 'CAPTCHA' field below*


    * Indicates a required field