By Laws


Dunwoody North Civic Association, Inc.


The name of this Association shall be the DUNWOODY NORTH CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. (hereinafter referred to as "Association").


The purpose of this Association shall be to devise ways and means to further community welfare and provide a vehicle to encourage Fellowship.


Section 1. Membership of this Association shall be limited to one (1) adult member of each home in the subdivision known as Dunwoody North, and the homes in the adjacent subdivisions of Andover Estates, Laurelwood Farms, Dunwoody Trails, Brafferton Square, Briers North, and The Madisons; DeKalb County, State of Georgia.

Section 2. Members may be renters or owners of a home.

Section 3. A member shall be considered current if their dues are paid for the current year.

Section 4. Each current membership shall be entitled to only one (1) vote in the affairs of the Association. Any member unable to attend a meeting of the Association may vote by proxy, provided each proxy shall be in writing and delivered to the Secretary of this Association before or at such meeting.

Section 5. The annual dues shall be an amount recommended by the Board and ratified by the membership in the third quarter to be effective January 1st of the following year and payable during the month of January.


Section 1. This Association shall be managed, and its affairs conducted, by a Board of Directors consisting of a minimum of four elected directors.

Section 2. The elected positions will consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President of Zoning & Code Enforcement, and Chief Technology Officer.

Section 3. Five (5) additional Board Members may be comprised of Members at Large. Members at Large are elected positions.

Section 4. Dunwoody North Driving Club Representative. The DNDC may elect a representative to sit on the DNCA Board. The DNDC Representative will have full voting privileges on the Board provided that he/she is a current member of the DNCA.

Section 5. Prior DNCA President. The prior year’s DNCA President shall act as a parliamentarian. He/She shall have full voting privileges provided he/she is a current member of the DNCA.


Section 1. Directors holding the named positions in Article IV, Sections 2 and 3 shall be elected at the annual meeting to serve for a term of one (1) year.

  1. A plurality vote of members in good standing shall constitute an election.
  2. All officers and directors must notify the Secretary of their acceptance of their nomination and live within the area described in Article III, Section 1.
  3. Officers shall begin their duties at the close of the business section of the Annual Meeting.

Section 2. When a vacancy occurs on the Board of Directors, such vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the remaining directors at any regular or special meeting. The member thus chosen shall fill the unexpired term.


The elected officers of the Board shall have the following duties as listed below.

Section 1. The President Shall

  1. Preside at all membership and board meetings.
  2. Appoint the standing committees with the assistance and approval of the elected officers.
  3. Appoint special committees if deemed necessary.
  4. Sign warrants on the treasury. The president shall be authorized to spend up to $100.00 per appropriation without prior board approval. The President shall be limited to $500 per year.
  5. Be ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 2. Vice President Shall

  1. Assume the duties of the President in his/her absence or resignation.
  2. May be chairman of some committee(s) and act as aide of the President upon his/her request.

Section 3. Vice President of Zoning and Code Enforcement

  1. Shall notify membership of code enforcement issues.
  2. Shall support the community with code enforcement issues in accordance with the established Association policy.

Section 4. The Secretary Shall:

  1. Record the proceedings of the general meetings and of the Board of Directors.
  2. Conduct the general correspondence of the association as directed by the President.
  3. Distribute notices to all membership of all meetings by the weekend before each meeting and keep membership informed of decisive actions taken by the Board and issues to be voted upon at meetings.

Section 5. The Treasurer Shall:

  1. Collect all dues and care for the membership's funds.
  2. Keep an accurate receipt of records and payments.
  3. Pay bills promptly.
  4. Submit a financial report as requested by the Board of Directors.

Section 6. Chief Technology Officer

Oversees the technology supporting the organization such as web and mail hosting and platforms, membership management systems, mass-communication services and manages access to the technology services.

Section 7. Members at Large

  1. Assist the President and other officers in accomplishing the objectives of the membership.


Section 1. Membership Meetings

The annual meeting shall be held during the month of February unless otherwise decided by the Board of Directors.

  1. Any decisions requiring a membership vote shall be decided by a plurality of the members in attendance in good standing or by absentee ballot.
  2. Additional meetings may be called by the President or by request of the majority of the Board of Directors.
  3. A quorum shall consist of the members in good standing in attendance.
  4. The meetings shall be conducted under Roberts Rules of Order.

Section 2. Board Meetings

Any business decisions needing approval will require a three-fifths vote in favor by officers present at the meeting. Any officers not in the meeting may vote by proxy prior to the meeting.

  1. Board meetings shall be called as needed and may be called by any member of the Board.


Section 1. Standing Committees shall include Neighborhood Watch Committee and Beautification Committee.

Section 2. Special Committees may be appointed by the President when deemed necessary.

Section 3. Projects

Projects are nonrecurring activities that have not been set as precedent. Before execution of a project, a written Plan of Action, including a budget must be submitted to and approved by the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE IX. Revision of By-Laws

The By-Laws will be reviewed at least once every three years by a committee appointed by the President.

  1. Revisions proposed by the Committee will be submitted in writing for approval by the Board.
  2. Revisions approved by the Board must be ratified by a plurality of the members in good standing at the next annual meeting, including those present by proxy. The revisions must be in writing and available at least one week before the meeting.


Ratified Tuesday, February 28, 2023

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