Beautification Committee

May YOTM - West

May YOTM - West

The Beautification Committee coordinates activities such as the maintenance of neighborhood monuments, Yard of the Month selections (YOTM), and other fun events related to how our neighborhoods look.

Volunteers are welcome to assist in any of these activities.

The committee’s greatest need is in design, planting, and maintenance of the Dunwoody North brick monuments. For more information, please contact the “Beautification Committee” via our Contact page.

The Yard of the Month season begins April 1st and continues through October with 2 winners each month, one east of Tilly Mill and one west of Tilly Mill. Each month during the season, judges scour Dunwoody North for beautiful landscapes. Manicured lawns and flower beds are considered top priority. Variety of plantings and color, walkways, and other personal touches that add to the overall aesthetics are also considered. Judging for each month is completed by the 26th of the previous month. Your yard is always a work in progress and judges look for the best examples during the constantly changing seasons.


July YOTM - West

July YOTM - West


Tips to help you win YOTM (April – October)

  • Mulch, Mulch, Mulch: Whether it is pine straw or pine bark, mulch helps a yard look fresh and it helps keep the ground moist so things growing in mulch look better.
  • Holiday Lights Are Just That: Holiday lights make our homes look festive during the holiday season, but they are just plain sad in June. Just as you would not leave a holiday wreath on your front door all year you should not leave your holiday lights on your house all year.
  • Newspapers are Not Yard Art: YOTM judges are amazed at the number of papers left in homeowners driveways for days and weeks on end. Not only are they messy, especially when they have been sitting in the rain for a week, but they also make thieves think the homeowners are on vacation even if they aren’t.
  • Grass is Optional, Overgrown Weeds are Not: Not everyone wants to spend the time or use the pesticides to have perfect grass but that does not mean you should leave your yard overrun with weeds.
  • Out of Control Bushes: We have all planted a pretty, small bush only to have it growing wildly out-of-control the next year. We take out our machete and hack it back and within a month it is taking over again. We either need to reconcile ourselves to trimming the bushes back when they get out of control or dig them up and start over.
  • Go Native: Plants native to the area in which we live are much easier to take care of and as a result look better than those beautiful plants we fell in love with on our recent trip to Antigua that require daily afternoon rain showers.

For additional information on Yard of the Month and the criteria used for judging, go here.

To see all of the yard of the month postings, click below to go to the archives...
Yard of the Month Archives

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