Neighborhood Watch Text Messaging

The Dunwoody North Civic Association is pleased to finally 'officially' announce that the Neighborhood Watch text messaging system is active. It's actually been running for several months but there were still a few minor things to iron out.

Dunwoody Police Neighborhood Watch logoThis service will primarily be used to supply short text (SMS & MMS) notifications for time-sensitive occurrences such as break-ins, stolen or damaged cars and other situations that may have an immediate impact on your safety or that you might have seen or have knowledge of and could share with emergency personnel. Usually the text message will be very short, containing just the urgent details. When appropriate they will be accompanied by or followed-up with an email and or CallingPost phone message that will provide additional information and background.

Image of cell phone text messaging screenWe went through several incarnations, researching and testing a slew of messaging options. Initially we tried to leverage one of a few free systems but after multiple issues with messages not being received, limitations on the number of messages that can be sent in a short time and uncertainty about accessibility to all the mobile phone network providers, we finally landed on a pay as you go system that is fairly inexpensive. Unlike most businesses that use text messaging for marketing, sending hundreds or thousands of messages a month, our use will be extremely sporadic. Although there has been a bit of a ruckus lately, the Dunwoody North area is still very quiet and safe so hopefully it is only necessary to send messages a few times per year. This makes monthly subscription systems overly expensive.

The best way to subscribe to receive Neighborhood Watch text messages is to register on the Dunwoody North website. Via the registration form you can simultaneously request text messages as well as email communications. You can tell us how you want to be listed in the neighborhood directory that is published every few years. You can indicate in your profile how you would like to get involved with the DNCA and the neighborhood and of course you can pay your household dues. Remember, the DNCA is completely voluntary. It is run by volunteers and your dues are voluntary but we cannot operate or pay for services like the Neighborhood Watch CallingPost calls, text messages, the maintenance of the neighborhood monuments and bolstering security for Briers North Halloween. Your $20.oo annual membership fee helps support all this and more.

DNCA text messages will arrive on your phone from a toll-free phone number that you can save in your contact list to make us more easily identifiable.

If you have general questions about the messaging service or anything else and would like to speak with someone at the DNCA, including our Neighborhood Watch Chair Judy Hofer, please send an email. If it is urgent or relates to a recent safety or crime occurrence, please first contact emergency services at 911, that is what your 911 service is for. Afterwards, please contact Neighborhood Watch Chair Judy Hofer. You can do that directly by phone or text at: 404-402-9354.

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