Following is a portion of a letter to members of DNCA from the 1995 President, Ilene Gormly. It was published in the February 1995 newsletter and describes a neighborhood concern that was addressed by DNCA and remains an issue today. Though no resolution to the problem was achieved through DNCA, due to widely divergent perspectives, the letter illustrates how DNCA remains committed to communicating, investigating and resolving issues that affect our community.
A group of Dunwoody North residents formed an organization apart from DNCA called CARS, Citizens Against Road Closings, to further address the traffic issue without resorting to road closures. Steve Bancroft was President. The group came up with a solution to the problem and suggested that the County put No Left Turn between 7-9 a.m. signs at Stonington , Dunkerrin and Dunover. The committee also organized a petition campaign securing well over the needed 66% needed to defeat closing any of our roads on Tilly Mill or N. Peachtree. DeKalb County ended up putting two No Left Turn signs up at Stonington and Dunkerrin Rds.
Cut-Through Traffic Concerns
Newsletter, February 1995
Dear Members:
Numerous notices and letters have been circulated regarding the cut-through traffic issue. For anyone who may be new to the area, the issue concerns traffic that is driving through the area of Dunwoody North that is bounded by Tilly Mill Road and North Peachtree Road. Some of the residents of that area have proposed that Dunover Circle, Dunkerrin Lane, and Stonington Road be dead-ended at Tilly Mill Road for a 90 day trial period. Other residents of that area and of the other areas encompassed by our Civic Association are opposed to dead-ending those streets.
The issue has been under discussion for several months. The Civic Association determined that since the membership held such divergent opinions the Association itself would remain neutral on the matter. In the interest of promoting harmony within the Association, we formed a Traffic Committee which included representatives from all areas. There was also an open invitation to all Association members who wished to attend the meetings and participate. The Traffic Committee was chaired by Brad Edwards and Hub Kelsh.
After several meetings the Traffic Committee determined that it would be unable to reach a consensus. The members did, however, determine that they could agree on the problems created by the current amount of traffic in the defined area of Dunwoody North. Those problems were reported at the December 5 meeting of the Civic Association. The Traffic Committee was specifically authorized by a vote of the Civic Association to present the problems directly to DeKalb County. However, since the Traffic Committee could not agree on anything other than the problems, it had no other items to present either to the Civic Association membership or to DeKalb County.
The Traffic committee of the Dunwoody North Civic Association has given its final report and is no longer meeting. However, there are various individuals and groups who remain concerned about this issue and are continuing to communicate with people within our neighborhood and with DeKalb County. They are exercising their rights of free speech. You should be aware, however, that none of the groups or individuals who are communicating regarding the traffic issue represent or have been authorized by the Dunwoody North Civic Association.
DeKalb County is aware of the traffic issue in our neighborhood, and of the controversy surrounding it. The county placed counters on the problem streets to determine the extent of the cut-through traffic. The data from those counters is reproduced in this newsletter.* Additional information will be printed in the newsletter as the county makes it available to us.
*Data not available for reprint