2010 Yard of the Month

We know its not easy but when its all done and is looking great, our yards make everyone happy!

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2349 Kingsgate Ct
2508 Briers North
2518 Stonington
2531 E Madison
4392 Huntington Cir
4492 Binghamton Ct
4508 Sharon Valley Ct
4537 Kingsgate Dr
April YOTM - East
April YOTM - West
July YOTM  - West
June YOTM - East
June YOTM - West
May YOTM - East
May YOTM - West

Remember, all that yard waste and debris that gets picked up by Dekalb County becomes compost and  is available for free for DeKalb residents.

The nearest for us is:

Compost - North Transfer Station
4600 Buford Highway
Chamblee, GA 30341
Hours:  7 a.m. – 6 p.m. (M-F); 7 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (Sat)

So bring your trailer, pickup or just a few bags and add some needed nutrients to your garden or yard.

Hint... If you need a lot, bring a pitchfork. They work better than shovels for compost...

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