Know Your Neighbors!!!!
The purpose of the Neighborhood Watch program is to deter crime by letting criminals know that we are watching out for each other. IT WORKS! In neighborhoods that actively employ a "Watch" crime is reduced. Remember, this is a communications network -- it only works if you call.
If you are a victim of a crime, or note some suspicious activity, call the police at once! Identify yourself and report details.
Emergency 911
Officer Tim Fecht
Call Judy Hofer, Neighborhood Watch Chair, at (404) 402-9354. When appropriate, Judy can prepare a Calling Post message for the neighborhood. You can also send Judy an email, select Neighborhood Watch from the drop-down list on the contact form.
Use of 911: Dunwoody Police encourage the use of 911 when you need an officer. Here are a few examples of when to call 911:
1. A suspicious vehicle in the neighborhood. (Residents know what is suspicious in their own neighborhoods)
2. Suspicious people walking around or unpermitted solicitors
3. Damage to property reports. (Officers need to see and investigate the damage to do the report)
4. Motor vehicle accidents whether they are on private property or the roadway.
5. Roadway Hazards
The non-emergency number to Dekalb dispatch is answered by the same 911 call takers. The drawback to the non emergency number is that it can ring once or 100 times before it is answered because it is considered non-priority. We understand that Dunwoody citizens are not used to using 911 or feel they are taking officers away from important calls. If an officer is on a low priority call and a serious call goes out, then he will leave the low priority call to go assist. There are a lot of big cases solved because of a citizen reporting a suspicious vehicle in their neighborhood, but that call has to be placed to 911 so officers can respond without delay.
Alarm Systems

PLEASE operate your alarm system with care to avoid setting off a false alarm: make sure you are thoroughly familiar with the operation of your system; that you keep it properly maintained; that you secure all your windows and doors when you leave; and that you insure that your pets cannot activate the system. Additionally, since 2013, all alarm systems must be registered. (This includes both residential and business alarms within the city of Dunwoody) Alarms can be registered through the CryWolf® web portal or by calling 866-889-2365. (For additional information, go to the Dunwoody City website http://dunwoodyga.gov and search for alarm)

The police receive hundreds of false alarms for every valid call reported. Let’s make sure every call they receive from the Dunwoody North Community is valid. Remember, you are the key to the security of our community.