Archive for the ‘ What We Do ’ Category

Cover Art Contest

The DNCA art contest submission deadline has been extended to Sunday, November 16th. If you are between six and twelve years old, the DNCA would really love to have your art on the cover…

DNCA 2015 Holiday Decoration Winners

Midnight December 20th marked the end of DNCA’s first online holiday decoration contest. We hope that all of our Dunwoody North neighbors enjoyed the contest, whether as a nominee, a voter or a viewer of all the beautiful decorations that mark this holiday season! The Beautification Committee looks forward to this as a tradition for our community and is seeking input from residents to help us improve the process in…

2015 Yard of the Month

While the debate rages about whether climate change is happening or not and questions flourish around the question… Are we influencing the climate? Its still really nice to have the many colors of spring and summer around us and to do our bit to keep the green spaces attractive, which of course starts with our neighbors front yards. As always, for the months between April and September, the Dunwoody North…

Holiday Decorations Contest

Holiday Decorations 2015

This December, the DNCA Beautification Committee is sponsoring a holiday decorations contest. The first of what we hope will become many. The idea is to really step-up the festive spirit and feel of the Dunwoody North neighborhoods during the holiday season. We will be looking for outstanding ornamentation, design and creativity that catches the eyes and hearts of those who see it. Be innovative and original… This is not necessarily…

Holiday Decorations Contest

DNCA 2015 Holiday Decoration Nominations

2014 Yard of the Month

Once again your neighbors pulled off a great front yard season. With just a little effort, all of our yards can look this good. Looking for pointers or interested in getting involved with the Dunwoody North Beautification Committee, drop us a line from the contact form at the right.   With no more delay, here are the 2014 Dunwoody North “Yard of the Month” winners. Take a look and see what your neighbors…

2013 Yard of the Month

Everyone was frustrated by the amazing amount of rain we have had this year but feast or famine, our gardeners keep on tending their yards as best they can… Take a look… Will your yard be next? (Use your mouse to move the slider. Click an image for a larger view. In large view, hover on the left or right with your mouse and click to move back and forwards)…

2013 Plant Exchange

If you missed the 2013 plant exchange you are really missing out! The Plant Exchange is a great way to meet neighbors, learn some tips, have some fun and  enhance your garden or yard, all at the same time. Watch out for the next one…

2012 Yard of the Month

It is amazing how a well tended yard can bring the whole neighborhood alive. Here are the 2012 Yard of the Month winners. Take a look, seeing what past winners have done with their yards is a great way to get ideas for your yard. (Use your mouse to move the slider. Click an image for a larger view. In large view, hover on the left or right with your mouse and…

2012 Plant Exchange

    Click or Right Click these images to download the full size photo:

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